Storm Immobiliser


The most secure immobiliser on the market

Control the Pandora Storm with the Pandora tag, your smartphone using the Pandora app, or secret code sequence with your vehicle's dash or steering wheel buttons.

Upgrade your Pandora Storm to a fully featured alarm system at anytime. Add remote engine start or full GSM smartphone control & tracking with the Pandora NAV-X.

The Storm comes with 2 immobilisation points. 

Other branded immobilisers on the market only come with one so already double the security. The anti highjack is standard on the storm, which shuts the car down if you are car jacked.


Three ways to disarm the Storm:

1. Using the supplied 128bit encrypted Bluetooth tag

2. Using vehicles original buttons on the dash/steering wheel to enter a secret code

3. Using your Android smartphones Bluetooth technology as a proximity tag. Or iPhone users can open the app to disarm the system.


The storm also works in Pandora’s full smartphone app. Giving important parameters of the vehicle - CANbus cars only - Such as engine temp, doors boot bonnet as well fully setting up and controlling your storm system. 

Why settle for any other immobiliser to protect your pride and joy, when you can have Pandora?

Use Your Smartphone as your remote

Using your smartphones Bluetooth technology to disarm your Storm system.

*IOS users will need to open the app to disarm the system.

No hassle, with Bluetooth Encrypted ID Tags

Safe and secure use of your OEM key, using 128bit encryption and our discrete Pandora tags. Use your vehicle as normal, and simply keep your tag on your person. Easy.

Use a secret code sequence, all from factory buttons.

Use the buttons in your vehicle to disarm the Storm immobiliser, by inputting a unique code sequence. No need to carry any extra tags, or, add another layer of security.

The new 3D Smartphone app for IOS & Android devices

Our unique smartphone app gives full control and up to date information on your vehicle through Bluetooth. Change settings, send commands, or just change how it looks.

Anti-hijack. Full car jacking protection

Anti-hijack automatically activates to keep you and your loved ones safe, and prevent your vehicle from getting too far. 

Smart, simple and super effective.

Upgradable at any time.

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